Have you ever had one of those moments where you just want to sit and cry, perhaps throw a tantrum. That last little sliver of self-respect or quite possibly dignity prevents you from doing so but then you're mad that you are too mature to throw a fit. That is the kind of day/ week/ month I am having.
Today, Madi was 20 minutes late to school. Typically, Friday she rides to school with my friend’s siblings because Monte leaves for work before I have to take her and that way I don’t have to wake Mario up. Well, I kind of figured this morning they would forget considering the mom is really sick.
So, I was right and I was ready to go if they didn’t show up. I went out to my snow covered car with both kids in tow only to find all four doors frozen shut. With my lower back already out of place I had to fight to get my kids in the car and then scrape extremely stubborn snow and ice off my car. This took all of twenty minutes. Then I had to take and sign Madi in while wearing mismatching pajamas. I was feeling slightly embarrassed and a bit humble.
This was after a night where I had laid in bed till four unable to sleep because my back was in so much pain and being worried sick over the whole house struggle. Nothing has been easy in our attempts to buy a house. We had found a house, a nice old farm house on three acres and we jumped on it bidding, then accepting the seller’s counter offer. Which was a pretty nice counter offer.
I called my loan officer only to have him say “oh this isn’t good." Apparently, though my husbands credit is impeccable the credit score they have to use is zero. He hasn’t had a late payment on anything in his name in well over five years. The problem arises from the fact that all the bills and credit he has is only showing up on one of the three credit reports. The loan officer has to use the middle credit score of the three reports. Being 755, 0 and 0 as the scores he has to use a zero.
That basically means that we may not be able to get a loan because apparently a score of 0 is worse than having poor credit. I know people that have had every car they have bought reposed and poor work history get a loan easier. Monte has worked the same job for 7 years and every bill in his name has been willing to write a letter saying he's an excellent client but it doesn’t seem to matter.
So besides finding a house that we have always dreamed of out in the secluded country and always paying our bills on time, we still might be screwed. This emotional load is only compounded by the fact that our land lord is selling the house we are renting and if and when she sells I have no idea where we will live and move to.
I want to settle. I want my kids to not have to change schools. I want to decorate and make a home that we will grow old in. I want to live life with out having to struggle for every little thing. I want Murphy’s Law to leave me the hell alone. I want to cry and throw a fit and maybe punch a hole in the wall. I want to sleep through the night and I want to be able to pick up my son with out my lower back almost bringing me to tears. I don’t think I am asking for too much.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Waiting and waiting and waiting.....

The interior needs a decorator’s touch, but has the potential to be really nice. It was last decorated in the ‘60s and has the yellow green carpeting to prove it. It is big too. It has a formal dining room, family room, living room, kitchen, utility room, 1 bath and 6 bedrooms. Two of the bedrooms are extremely tiny so the one downstairs will most likely be turned into an office/library and the other will be turned into a walk in closet.
The electric has all been redone recently and it has a newer energy efficient boiler. I’m kind of excited about the hot water heat… I hate dry heat. The down side is there is well water and a septic tank. The health department tests well water for free and I can get a Brita filter for the taste.
Besides that the house has a 3 car garage and there is a trailer on the property. The trailer will be sold immediately (and will hopefully finance our redecorating and any repairs) and the land is mostly flat and treeless. There are some pine trees that surround the house. There is plenty of room for a pumpkin patch and huge garden.
All in all it will be a great place for Monte, the kids and I to settle. Lets just hope everything works out. I feel a bit worthless not being able to do anything but wait.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
So it is safe to ignore my last post totally because the house is in contract already. I feel so defeated, really. I am so sick of looking at houses. When your young and you think about buying your first house you imagine it to be this fun adventure where you find the perfect house and everything just happens. Yea, that doesn't happen. I have been looking for months and all I have found is frustration.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Here is a bit of info on the house.
There is a wood burner and the huge yard is fenced in with a privacy fence.Most of the carpeting looks brand new and the house is decorated very nicely. Not to say I wouldn't change it to make it more personal later down the road but it looks all right to live in now.
When we go out to look I will take more pictures... these were just the ones listed on the Realtors website.
There is a wood burner and the huge yard is fenced in with a privacy fence.Most of the carpeting looks brand new and the house is decorated very nicely. Not to say I wouldn't change it to make it more personal later down the road but it looks all right to live in now.
When we go out to look I will take more pictures... these were just the ones listed on the Realtors website.
Quitting smoking sucks. I have never been a heavy smoker, somewhere between a ½ pack and ¾ a pack a day. Just something to calm my nerves. Well that something costs about 20 bucks a week and I would rather spend that money on something a bit more enjoyable that cancer packed in a menthol flavored wrapping.
I am doing pretty good for the most part, I haven’t kicked the habit completely but have significantly lowered how many I smoke a day. I know the trick is to just quit cold turkey. People say cold turkey doesn’t work, but for me it is my best bet. Giving in and having that one cigarette makes it so much easier to have the next one… and the next one.
It probably did not help that my land lord was taking people through my house because she is in the process of selling. She had called me Thursday and was like “someone wants to look at the house.” I was in the car and had people coming over on Friday and Saturday so I suggested Sunday at one. Well, aren’t you ready now.
I am sorry but I don’t know a single person that would be ready at a minutes notice to have people come through their house. My house is typically at a happy medium, somewhere in the middle of the spectrum between spotless and pigsty. I’m not ashamed that I am not a perfect house wife, but that doesn’t mean I want strangers going through the mess while I am out.
I don’t really think my land lady is all there. About 9 months ago she asked us to take everything out of the garage so she could clean it out. No biggie, we moved most everything to the basement. Well the kids have a plastic picnic table and since we couldn’t put it in the garage I just left it by the back door. She decided to call me in the middle of a blizzard with 3-4 foot snow drifts to ask me to move the table. I didn’t move the table. It is okay she won’t remember asking me to move it anyways.
Hopefully, soon the landlord won’t even be an issue. We are house hunting. It isn’t as fun as an experience as I had hoped. But it has made me realize just how perfect a pair Monte and I make. He checks the foundation, roof and structural things. I look at things like closet space and storage, location of outlets, if our furniture will fit and leaky pipes or cracks in the walls and ceilings.
Monte and I have found a house we are pretty excited about. Our Realtor just got back into town last night and we want to see it pronto. We went and peeked in the windows and I loved it and Monte did too. I am pretty sure this might be the one.
I am doing pretty good for the most part, I haven’t kicked the habit completely but have significantly lowered how many I smoke a day. I know the trick is to just quit cold turkey. People say cold turkey doesn’t work, but for me it is my best bet. Giving in and having that one cigarette makes it so much easier to have the next one… and the next one.
It probably did not help that my land lord was taking people through my house because she is in the process of selling. She had called me Thursday and was like “someone wants to look at the house.” I was in the car and had people coming over on Friday and Saturday so I suggested Sunday at one. Well, aren’t you ready now.
I am sorry but I don’t know a single person that would be ready at a minutes notice to have people come through their house. My house is typically at a happy medium, somewhere in the middle of the spectrum between spotless and pigsty. I’m not ashamed that I am not a perfect house wife, but that doesn’t mean I want strangers going through the mess while I am out.
I don’t really think my land lady is all there. About 9 months ago she asked us to take everything out of the garage so she could clean it out. No biggie, we moved most everything to the basement. Well the kids have a plastic picnic table and since we couldn’t put it in the garage I just left it by the back door. She decided to call me in the middle of a blizzard with 3-4 foot snow drifts to ask me to move the table. I didn’t move the table. It is okay she won’t remember asking me to move it anyways.
Hopefully, soon the landlord won’t even be an issue. We are house hunting. It isn’t as fun as an experience as I had hoped. But it has made me realize just how perfect a pair Monte and I make. He checks the foundation, roof and structural things. I look at things like closet space and storage, location of outlets, if our furniture will fit and leaky pipes or cracks in the walls and ceilings.
Monte and I have found a house we are pretty excited about. Our Realtor just got back into town last night and we want to see it pronto. We went and peeked in the windows and I loved it and Monte did too. I am pretty sure this might be the one.
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