Getting internet should never be this difficult. Prior to moving, we had buckeye cable and never had any issues. When we moved we were forced to have Time Warner being it is the only provider in the area. About 3 months ago, I got on the internet and tried to enroll for service... it has all been down hill since there.
I chose what speed I wanted, set up an installation date and enrolled in automatic bill pay because it waived the installation fee. When I went to submit my order, it said the site was down and to try again later. (This is where I should have been like gee, the internet company's website is down that kind of says something) Instead I called and spoke to a very friendly man at customer service and exlpained the situation.
He had no problem setting my account up, exactly as I had online. I was a bit worried that the speed would not be fast enough and he said that if we were unhappy with the speed we could call in and upgrade and the next speed up was only 24.95.
So after a week or two of super slow internet, we decided to upgrade and I called in. Well the first lady told me that there was no way I could upgrade for 24.95 and that it was 36.95. She was rude and treated me like a moron and would not even listen to what I was saying happened. She transferred me to another lady who reacted the same way and treated me the same way. "You are wrong, you can't do that. He didn't say that." Finally that lady transferred me to a third lady who was actually interested and able to help me.
I recited what had happened for the third time and she was like lets look at your account. She informed me that the installation fee had never been waived and told me that she hated to admit it but apparently the guy who enrolled me lied and never even tried to waive it and there was no way for me to get the 24.95 price because that is for people who bundle the service with phone and cable. Instead she gave me the next speed above the 24.95 for 29.95. She also credited our account for the installation fee and told me that the first bill would show it but just to ignore it.
She started the new speed right away and then my internet stopped working. For days our internet was down.I called tech support and they were of no use and the hour or so on the phone was a waste. Finally my brother came over and fixed everything and it worked okay. It was about the same speed as the speed we had with buckeye for ten dollars more a month.
So two month go by, and I assume they are just taking the money out of my account like they were supposed to. Three days ago I get a message saying to call them and when I do I learn that my bill is late and they weren't taking it out of my account even though the only bill I had ever gotten was the first bill with the installation charge on it. I explain to the guy that it was supposed to be direct debit and he says it was never set up. I told him I hadn't been getting bills and he could not explain it. I told him I would get on in the next day or so and pay it. Then I laughed in his face when he asked how I was satisfied with my internet speed and tried to get me to upgrade. I couldn't help it. I also told him I would die before paying another cent more than I am already paying for their service.
Yesterday time warner called me three times to remind me to pay my bill. I wasn't at home so I did not get the chance to pay it. First thing this morning I get on line to pay it and apparently my account number does not exist. So I had to call customer service yet again and they were no help yet again and could not figure out why my account number did not exist but she did transfer me to the auto pay line and my bill is paid.
I hate Time Warner, even more I hate that they are the only option available!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
One Exhausting Week
It always seems that you never just have one thing going on. Typically, it goes from having nothing on my plate other than day to day ordinary stuff to my plate looking like it does at a chinese buffet. I think I have overwhelmed myself with obligations this time around. I have so much happening I literally can't turn my brain off to sleep some nights.
My parents just closed on a beautiful brick home, and because I have a creative and artistic side about me they asked me to step in and fill the role as interior decorator. I happily accepted, my parents are good people and my mom would do anything for me and I want to make their house perfect for them. The house is a custom built brick home that has everything they wanted and more, it is the perfect house for them. My step-dad loves lighthouses and ship and the house has many nautical touches like a metal plate on the fire place with ships and actual portholes in the bedrooms as windows. The previous owner went overboard on blue though. It had the ugliest blue paint and carpets everywhere.
We have been working night and day on the dining room, livingroom and foyer so far. They are all attached and very open. I decided we should sponge them in a 3 shades of a smokey blue. The rooms are huge, but after 4 days of painting we have finished that part. Now all that is left is the trim and the stenciled border. I hand made the stencils it is an anchor with the words "By the light, guide us home." My mom is a strong christian and my dad loves lighthouses so it was the perfect saying. The trim and border is going to be in a shimmery honeyed bronze color that matches the fireplace.
They ripped up the carpet and are getting wood laminate flooring, so my mom, grandma and I went shopping for it. I love my grandma dearly but she is one of those people that always makes her opinion known and it is always negative. She hates the paint, thinks it is too dark and will be like living in a cave. She hates the trim and border color even more, she thinks it should be in blue (even though she already says there is too much blue) So imagine the fun that floor shopping was.
She kept asking questions like to price flooring before mom had even picked out any she liked. The guy was like do you want me to price them all? Needless to say the man at Home Depot told us "I don't work on commission so when you decide you can talk to anyone." I think he meant you can talk to anyone else. Plus she kept wanting my mom to get a credit card and put it on there. They have more than enough money to pay for the flooring. Once she found the floor she liked best she didn't even give my mom a chance to look at anything else and she put away the samples so when we got home we realized they were gone.
My grandma has seven children and she has her favorites and then she has my mom, aunt cheryl and aunt cindy. She treats my mom like she is incapable and not well off. It is frustrating to me because my mom was a single mom to 3 kids and then remarried. She and my step dad have worked hard and now do fairly well for themselves. My mom is very thrifty, but that doesn't mean she is poor. She just likes a bargain. Grandma doesn't realize this. Then again Grandma once yelled at me when I was 7 for getting a fish hook embedded in my back so deep my lips started turning blue and I almost passed out as two forty year old fishermen pried it from my back with pliers. Apparently she felt I had done it to flirt with the fishermen.
So anyways our shopping trip was pretty much a waste, but we had the pamphlet from lowes so after grandma was safely home my parents, aunt and uncle and I decided upon a style. We are going with a wider more defined plank with well defined grain in a darker shade. It is going to look very much like what you can imagine a ship having.
On top of all the decorating I also am working on my application for a grant from the Ohiana Library Association in which I have to write up to six pieces of fiction and sixty pages. I am being anal and a perfectionist. I have three very diffrent pieces, a vampire piece in my normaly style, a fantasy piece aimed at a younger crowd and letters from a revolutionary war soldier to his parents. I think the last one actually is my favorite despite all the research required for it.
My parents' Christmas present is also on my todo list at the time. While I can't say what it is I can say that it is taking a lot of time considering I started about a month ago. It is turning out well, but not coming along nearly as fast as I would like.I hope it is finished in time for Christmas.
My parents just closed on a beautiful brick home, and because I have a creative and artistic side about me they asked me to step in and fill the role as interior decorator. I happily accepted, my parents are good people and my mom would do anything for me and I want to make their house perfect for them. The house is a custom built brick home that has everything they wanted and more, it is the perfect house for them. My step-dad loves lighthouses and ship and the house has many nautical touches like a metal plate on the fire place with ships and actual portholes in the bedrooms as windows. The previous owner went overboard on blue though. It had the ugliest blue paint and carpets everywhere.
We have been working night and day on the dining room, livingroom and foyer so far. They are all attached and very open. I decided we should sponge them in a 3 shades of a smokey blue. The rooms are huge, but after 4 days of painting we have finished that part. Now all that is left is the trim and the stenciled border. I hand made the stencils it is an anchor with the words "By the light, guide us home." My mom is a strong christian and my dad loves lighthouses so it was the perfect saying. The trim and border is going to be in a shimmery honeyed bronze color that matches the fireplace.
They ripped up the carpet and are getting wood laminate flooring, so my mom, grandma and I went shopping for it. I love my grandma dearly but she is one of those people that always makes her opinion known and it is always negative. She hates the paint, thinks it is too dark and will be like living in a cave. She hates the trim and border color even more, she thinks it should be in blue (even though she already says there is too much blue) So imagine the fun that floor shopping was.
She kept asking questions like to price flooring before mom had even picked out any she liked. The guy was like do you want me to price them all? Needless to say the man at Home Depot told us "I don't work on commission so when you decide you can talk to anyone." I think he meant you can talk to anyone else. Plus she kept wanting my mom to get a credit card and put it on there. They have more than enough money to pay for the flooring. Once she found the floor she liked best she didn't even give my mom a chance to look at anything else and she put away the samples so when we got home we realized they were gone.
My grandma has seven children and she has her favorites and then she has my mom, aunt cheryl and aunt cindy. She treats my mom like she is incapable and not well off. It is frustrating to me because my mom was a single mom to 3 kids and then remarried. She and my step dad have worked hard and now do fairly well for themselves. My mom is very thrifty, but that doesn't mean she is poor. She just likes a bargain. Grandma doesn't realize this. Then again Grandma once yelled at me when I was 7 for getting a fish hook embedded in my back so deep my lips started turning blue and I almost passed out as two forty year old fishermen pried it from my back with pliers. Apparently she felt I had done it to flirt with the fishermen.
So anyways our shopping trip was pretty much a waste, but we had the pamphlet from lowes so after grandma was safely home my parents, aunt and uncle and I decided upon a style. We are going with a wider more defined plank with well defined grain in a darker shade. It is going to look very much like what you can imagine a ship having.
On top of all the decorating I also am working on my application for a grant from the Ohiana Library Association in which I have to write up to six pieces of fiction and sixty pages. I am being anal and a perfectionist. I have three very diffrent pieces, a vampire piece in my normaly style, a fantasy piece aimed at a younger crowd and letters from a revolutionary war soldier to his parents. I think the last one actually is my favorite despite all the research required for it.
My parents' Christmas present is also on my todo list at the time. While I can't say what it is I can say that it is taking a lot of time considering I started about a month ago. It is turning out well, but not coming along nearly as fast as I would like.I hope it is finished in time for Christmas.
Friday, November 6, 2009
One of those mornings
Ahhh, the early morning. The sun hasn’t quite risen and there is a briskness in the air. Frost glazes over the ground, creating a million glittering surfaces. Some people are just natural morning people. I am not one of them. To me there is something unnatural about waking up before the sun, in fact, I like to wake up several hours after sun and give it a sufficient chance to “preheat” the world for me.
Needless to say, getting Madi to school on time is not the easiest feat. School starts at an early 7:30 a.m. this year, meaning we have to be awake at 6:45. I think I do a pretty decent job. I always have her dressed in stylish, cute clothes and her long blond hair brushed. Her homework is always done. The only challenge comes on the days where I am not 100 per cent.
Like, for instance, when I am sick, or Othello and Mario have kept me up. They like to play a game at night. Othello thinks he must guard over Mario while he sleeps and Mario likes to be left alone while he sleeps. So, Othello sneaks up onto the bed and curls up with the baby, the baby wakes up, the baby wakes me up, I throw the cat out, the cat pushes and scratches at the door till it is open and the whole cycle repeats itself.
This morning was one of those mornings. For some reason, my 5 alarm clocks did not faze me, nor did the 5 text messages and 18 phone calls from my husband. I am embarrassed that I didn’t even have to exaggerate those numbers… at all. Finally, I woke at 7:30 and flew into a frenzy. Madi was dressed and her hair done in record time. I threw Mario’s snowsuit on over his pajamas and wrapped him in a blanket. We were out the door.
Madi is normally one of those cheerful, chipper people, almost always in a good mood. She likes to be helpful and generally enjoys life. The there are the days where she does not feel like it. Today was one of those days.
“Mom, I don’t want to go to school, my tooth hurts.”
“Mom, I don’t want to go to school, my arm hurts.”
“Mom, I don’t want to go to school, my belly hurts.”
On top of the whining, she trudges. That child can make walking the two blocks to the school the most pitiful journey you have ever seen. I know she can walk faster, she ran for almost 1 1/12 hours straight during trick or treat.
So, Madi managed to get to school at about 7:50, which is not too shabby , and I am ready to go back to sleep to take a nap. Hopefully, when I wake up today will look a heck of a lot better.
Needless to say, getting Madi to school on time is not the easiest feat. School starts at an early 7:30 a.m. this year, meaning we have to be awake at 6:45. I think I do a pretty decent job. I always have her dressed in stylish, cute clothes and her long blond hair brushed. Her homework is always done. The only challenge comes on the days where I am not 100 per cent.
Like, for instance, when I am sick, or Othello and Mario have kept me up. They like to play a game at night. Othello thinks he must guard over Mario while he sleeps and Mario likes to be left alone while he sleeps. So, Othello sneaks up onto the bed and curls up with the baby, the baby wakes up, the baby wakes me up, I throw the cat out, the cat pushes and scratches at the door till it is open and the whole cycle repeats itself.
This morning was one of those mornings. For some reason, my 5 alarm clocks did not faze me, nor did the 5 text messages and 18 phone calls from my husband. I am embarrassed that I didn’t even have to exaggerate those numbers… at all. Finally, I woke at 7:30 and flew into a frenzy. Madi was dressed and her hair done in record time. I threw Mario’s snowsuit on over his pajamas and wrapped him in a blanket. We were out the door.
Madi is normally one of those cheerful, chipper people, almost always in a good mood. She likes to be helpful and generally enjoys life. The there are the days where she does not feel like it. Today was one of those days.
“Mom, I don’t want to go to school, my tooth hurts.”
“Mom, I don’t want to go to school, my arm hurts.”
“Mom, I don’t want to go to school, my belly hurts.”
On top of the whining, she trudges. That child can make walking the two blocks to the school the most pitiful journey you have ever seen. I know she can walk faster, she ran for almost 1 1/12 hours straight during trick or treat.
So, Madi managed to get to school at about 7:50, which is not too shabby , and I am ready to go back to sleep to take a nap. Hopefully, when I wake up today will look a heck of a lot better.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
BIO= Mairo Goku

Name: Mario Goku
Nickname: Lil Man
Birthday: 9-03-08
I always wanted a momma's boy and that is exactly what I have gotten. He is my cuddle buddy and the best cure for the blues. At one years old he has mastered walking... and getting into things. His best friend is Othello, our kitten. Which comes in handy cause Othello makes a pretty good baby sitter when I am washing dishes or something like that.
You may be wondering about the name. I know it is a bit unorthodox, but it is the result of several factors. For example, when my husband and I wed we agreed that I could name the girls and he would name the boys, as long as they had the initials MGM. The other factor was people telling my husband what he could and couldn't do. It started as a joke, Mario from Super Mario Brothers and Goku from Dragon Ball. Well, certain people said Monte could not name his son that and Monte proved them wrong.
Mario is a ladies man and a charmer, He just bats his baby blues with mile long eyelashes and the ladies swoon. He has a soft spot for cute blonds of any age. In fact they are the only thing that can distract him from his other passion, food. Other than that he likes, cars, trains, his drum and the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban...
BIO= Madilyn Grace

Name: Madilyn Grace
Nickname: Madi
Birthday: 8-11-03
Grade: 1st
Inquisitive, imaginative, active, silly, sweet and hilarious are just a few words one could use to describe this little girl. She has the innate ability to warm anyone's heart.
You never know what she has in store for you or what she is going to say next. Not a day goes by where she doesn't make me laugh. She marches to the beat of her own drum, that's for sure.
What do you mean, you are a stay at home mom... You could be anything?
It is no surprise to most adults that their life has not turned out how they had planned as a teenager. Ten years ago, I would have been shocked to learn where I would end up. When I was a senior in high school, I was ambitious to say the least. I choose an expensive and prestigious college with a major in political science. I wanted to be a senator. I left for college without any doubts of my impending success.
Obviously, I am not a senator. In fact, I am at the complete other end of the spectrum. My days are mostly spent in my pajamas, waiting on my two children. How could my life and goals drastically change in such a short time? Well sometimes in life bad things happen that completely alter and reshape our future. While the event that leads to the changes maybe tragic, the changes themselves can be very positive.
My tragedy was being raped. The details are not important, what is important is that I changed the path I was on. I wanted a life where I was able to have a family and be there for them. I did not want to be the mother of a rapist. I wanted to be there and know my children and I wanted them to know me.
College no longer seemed right for me. It seemed foolish to waste so much time and energy for a career that I knew I would abandon, without hesitation, for the opportunity to be with my children. I returned home with no idea that god had intended me to start my future so soon.
Within months, I met Monte and I was crazy about him. He was not the boy my parents would have picked but he was exactly what I needed. He was manly and rough around the edges but loved me unconditionally. In four months, we were married. We were inseparable and it was no surprise that I was pregnant two weeks after our wedding.
Now seven years have passed and we have two beautiful children, Madilyn Grace age 6 and Mario Goku age 1. Our marriage is still going strong and not a day goes by that I am not grateful for the life god has given me. I have everything I never knew I always wanted.
My days are spent mostly in pajamas cooking, cleaning and helping with homework. I watch Cars and Scooby doo rather than adult shows. I make homemade dinners from scratch. I also have learned that I am quite creative. In what little spare time I do have, I write. It is my one escape.
So that is the basic rundown of who I am…
Obviously, I am not a senator. In fact, I am at the complete other end of the spectrum. My days are mostly spent in my pajamas, waiting on my two children. How could my life and goals drastically change in such a short time? Well sometimes in life bad things happen that completely alter and reshape our future. While the event that leads to the changes maybe tragic, the changes themselves can be very positive.
My tragedy was being raped. The details are not important, what is important is that I changed the path I was on. I wanted a life where I was able to have a family and be there for them. I did not want to be the mother of a rapist. I wanted to be there and know my children and I wanted them to know me.
College no longer seemed right for me. It seemed foolish to waste so much time and energy for a career that I knew I would abandon, without hesitation, for the opportunity to be with my children. I returned home with no idea that god had intended me to start my future so soon.
Within months, I met Monte and I was crazy about him. He was not the boy my parents would have picked but he was exactly what I needed. He was manly and rough around the edges but loved me unconditionally. In four months, we were married. We were inseparable and it was no surprise that I was pregnant two weeks after our wedding.
Now seven years have passed and we have two beautiful children, Madilyn Grace age 6 and Mario Goku age 1. Our marriage is still going strong and not a day goes by that I am not grateful for the life god has given me. I have everything I never knew I always wanted.
My days are spent mostly in pajamas cooking, cleaning and helping with homework. I watch Cars and Scooby doo rather than adult shows. I make homemade dinners from scratch. I also have learned that I am quite creative. In what little spare time I do have, I write. It is my one escape.
So that is the basic rundown of who I am…
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