Friday, November 6, 2009

One of those mornings

Ahhh, the early morning. The sun hasn’t quite risen and there is a briskness in the air. Frost glazes over the ground, creating a million glittering surfaces. Some people are just natural morning people. I am not one of them. To me there is something unnatural about waking up before the sun, in fact, I like to wake up several hours after sun and give it a sufficient chance to “preheat” the world for me. 

Needless to say, getting Madi to school on time is not the easiest feat. School starts at an early 7:30 a.m. this year, meaning we have to be awake at 6:45. I think I do a pretty decent job. I always have her dressed in stylish, cute clothes and her long blond hair brushed. Her homework is always done.  The only challenge comes on the days where I am not 100 per cent.

Like, for instance, when I am sick, or Othello and Mario have kept me up. They like to play a game at night. Othello thinks he must guard over Mario while he sleeps and Mario likes to be left alone while he sleeps. So, Othello sneaks up onto the bed and curls up with the baby, the baby wakes up, the baby wakes me up, I throw the cat out, the cat pushes and scratches at the door till it is open and the whole cycle repeats itself.

This morning was one of those mornings. For some reason, my 5 alarm clocks did not faze me, nor did the 5 text messages and 18 phone calls from my husband. I am embarrassed that I didn’t even have to exaggerate those numbers… at all. Finally, I woke at 7:30 and flew into a frenzy. Madi was dressed and her hair done in record time. I threw Mario’s snowsuit on over his pajamas and wrapped him in a blanket. We were out the door.

Madi is normally one of those cheerful, chipper people, almost always in a good mood. She likes to be helpful and generally enjoys life. The there are the days where she does not feel like it. Today was one of those days.

“Mom, I don’t want to go to school, my tooth hurts.”
“Mom, I don’t want to go to school, my arm hurts.”
“Mom, I don’t want to go to school, my belly hurts.”

On top of the whining, she trudges. That child can make walking the two blocks to the school the most pitiful journey you have ever seen. I know she can walk faster, she ran for almost 1 1/12 hours straight during trick or treat.

So, Madi managed to get to school at about 7:50, which is not too shabby , and I am ready to go back to sleep to take a nap. Hopefully, when I wake up today will look a heck of a lot better.

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